Trinity Sunday, 7 June 2009
While Pentecost is a very well-known Christian festival, Trinity Sunday doesn’t seem to be quite as well-known outside of the Anglican and Roman Catholic churches.
In the Church Year, Trinity Sunday marks the start of the longest season which ends with the first Sunday before Advent. Trinity Sunday is a good day for us to consider what our baptismal covenant really means to us. There’s one thing we can do, too, that is truly important on this day. Trinity Sunday honours God in all His fullness. May we all come to appreciate the value of this special day.
The three-cornered Celtic shape symbolising the Holy Trinity uses one of the oldest Christian symbols, the fish. The three equal arches of the circle express the equality of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The union of the arches represents the unity of the Godhead. Their continuous form symbolises eternity. And the fact that they are interwoven denotes the indivisibility of the Trinity.
In the centre of the shape is an equilateral triangle, the most ancient of the Trinity symbols, and each pair of arches forms an ellipse, the symbol of God’s glory.
Heather Lindauer, QSM, led us in our worship.
Having just had a rather special visit from her younger brother, Heather spoke on the importance of relationships.
She said that the doctrine of the trinity was ‘God over us, God for us and God in us’. The God known to us in three ways moves in God’s being in harmony.
“If God lives in community, so must we.”